
Business Information
Registered Legal Business Name *
Please do not use any special characters.
State Where Business is Registered *
EIN or SSN (Numbers Only)
Numbers Only
Business Phone Number *
Industry *
How did you hear about us? *
Billing Address
Street *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Business Owner Information
Owner First Name *
Owner Email *
Group emails are not allowed ex: info@companyname.com
Owner Last Name *
Owner Phone Number *
User Name *
Please do not use your email as a user name
Password *
Confirm Password *
Terms & Conditions *
By submitting this application you are confirming all of the information on the application is true and accurate while granting Branded Apparel Club authorization to utilize the information entered on this application to verify the validity of your company. We do not sell your information to third parties.   

You are agreeing to all agreements, terms, conditions and policies of the Branded Apparel Club and its affiliated websites.  You are agreeing to receive marketing communications via SMS and Email.    

The card used to process your annual membership dues is a recurring fee automatically charged annually based on the date of your original join date. To cancel your membership, submit a request via the Support Center.

Refunds are subject to the refund policy.

Terms & Conditions
Privacy Policy

First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Subject *
Tax ID
Please provide a reason for the changes in the message area below
Order Number
Message *
2500 Characters Max
What Is The Affinity Program?
How Does The Membership Work?
Can I Receive A Refund For My Membership Fee?
Can I Cancel My Membership?
Do You Have An Affiliate Program?
What Brands Do You Carry?
Can I Purchase Pre-Decorated Apparel?
Can I Purchase Blank Apparel?
What Type Of Products Do You Sell?
How Do I Upload My Custom Logo/Design?

Enter your email address or username to be sent an email to reset your password.